Statewide Ban on Emergency Film in Punjab
Statewide Ban on Emergency Film in Punjab

Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency Sparks Fury in Punjab: Sikh Organizations Demand Statewide Ban Over Controversial Portrayal

Kangana Ranaut’s upcoming film Emergency is at the epicentre of a massive controversy in Punjab, where several influential Sikh organizations have come together to demand a complete ban on its release. The film, which has already been the subject of intense public debate, is now facing an even bigger backlash from Sikh communities who are furious over what they see as a deeply offensive portrayal of their people. The stakes are high, and the fallout could be monumental.

Kangana Ranaut as Indira Gandhi in Emergency
Kangana Ranaut as Indira Gandhi in Emergency

The controversy took a dramatic turn when key Sikh organizations, including the Sikh Student Federation Mehta, International Panthak Dal, Ek Noor Khalsa Fauj, Kalgidhar Amritsar Sanchar Jatha, and Bhai Natha Bhai Abdullah, convened an emergency meeting to address the growing outrage. These organizations, representing a significant portion of Punjab’s Sikh community, were quick to condemn Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency for allegedly depicting Sikhs as “Khalistani” and extremists—an accusation that has ignited a firestorm of anger and resentment.

At the heart of the issue is the belief that the film’s portrayal of Sikhs is not only misleading but also inflammatory, with the potential to incite communal tensions in a region that has historically been sensitive to such matters. The leaders of these Sikh organizations, including figures like Baba Satnam Singh Vallian, Bhai Jaspal Singh, and Jarnail Singh Gabaria, have made it clear that they will not tolerate what they see as a gross misrepresentation of their community.


In a powerful show of unity, these leaders have reached out to cinema owners across Punjab, urging them not to screen Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency when it is released on September 6. According to sources, the cinema owners have largely agreed to comply with this request, understanding the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences of defying the Sikh community’s wishes. This collective action by the Sikh organizations and cinema owners marks a significant escalation in the controversy, raising the stakes for everyone involved.

Emergency 2024 movie poster
Emergency 2024 movie poster

The Sikh leaders have been vocal about their concerns, accusing the filmmakers of crossing a line that should never have been crossed. They argue that certain scenes in Emergency are not just disrespectful, but downright dangerous, with the power to disrupt the fragile peace that exists in Punjab. For them, this is not merely a matter of artistic expression—it’s a direct attack on their community’s identity and dignity.

As the release date nears, the tension surrounding Emergency is reaching a fever pitch. The film, which was already expected to be controversial due to its political subject matter, is now facing a full-blown crisis that could severely impact its box office performance. The Sikh organizations’ decision to push for a ban in Punjab is a bold move that underscores the seriousness of their concerns and their willingness to go to great lengths to protect their community from what they perceive as harmful misrepresentations.

The controversy has also sparked a broader discussion about the responsibility of filmmakers like Kangana Ranaut when dealing with sensitive cultural and historical narratives. Many are questioning whether the filmmakers behind Emergency have crossed a line in their pursuit of drama and tension, and whether they should have taken more care in how they depicted the Sikh community. The stakes are incredibly high, and the film’s reception in other parts of India could be heavily influenced by how this situation unfolds in Punjab.

Statewide Ban on Emergency Film in Punjab
Statewide Ban on Emergency Film in Punjab

With just days to go before the scheduled release of Emergency, all eyes are on Kangana Ranaut and her team. Will they address the concerns of the Sikh community, or will they push ahead with the release as planned? The outcome of this controversy could have far-reaching implications, not just for the film’s success, but for the broader relationship between Bollywood and the Sikh community.

This escalating situation is a stark reminder of the power that films have to shape public perceptions—and the potential consequences when those perceptions are seen as harmful or offensive. The coming days will be critical in determining the future of Kangana Ranaut’s Emergency and whether it will be able to overcome the growing opposition it faces in Punjab.

Stay tuned to Bollywood Pollywood Lifez for more updates.

Also Read: Raja Warring Takes a Strong Stand Against Kangana Ranaut’s Remarks on Farmers’ Protest


Punjab Congress President and MP Raja Warring has strongly criticised Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut for her recent controversial comments about the farmers’ protest. Raja Warring, known for his straightforward and passionate stance on issues, didn’t hold back in expressing his anger and disappointment over Kangana’s remarks.

Raja Warring
Raja Warring

Kangana had posted a video on her ‘X’ account, where she claimed that if Prime Minister Narendra Modi hadn’t taken tough action during the farmers’ protests, India could have ended up in a situation similar to Bangladesh. She also made alarming statements about dead bodies and sexual violence during the protests. These comments sparked widespread outrage, but Raja Warring’s response was particularly fierce.

Click here to continue reading.

Also Read: Aamir Khan Hints at a Possible Third Marriage: “I Don’t Like Living Alone”


Aamir Khan, one of Bollywood’s biggest stars, has opened up in a way that’s got everyone talking. In a recent conversation, he shared something deeply personal: “I don’t like living alone, I need a partner. I’m not someone who enjoys being by myself—I really value companionship.” This honest admission has sparked a lot of speculation, with many wondering if Aamir might be getting ready to announce a third marriage.

Aamir Khan
Aamir Khan

Aamir’s journey through love and relationships has been anything but ordinary. His first marriage was to Reena Dutta in 1986, and they had two children, Junaid and Ira. For 16 years, they were a solid couple, but in 2002, they surprised everyone by going their separate ways. Despite the divorce, Aamir and Reena have stayed close, a connection that Aamir recently highlighted.

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Also Read: Kangana Ranaut Sparks Controversy with Comments on Farmers’ Protests, BJP Leaders React

Kangana Ranaut, the Bollywood star and BJP MP from Mandi, has once again stirred up controversy with her latest remarks, about the farmers’ protests that rocked India in 2020. In a video she shared online, Kangana  claimed that if the Modi government hadn’t taken strict action, India could have faced a situation similar to the tragic events of the 1971 Bangladesh genocide. Her comments have drawn criticism, even from within her own party, the BJP.

Kangana Ranaut
Kangana Ranaut

Kangana’s Controversial Claims: A Foreign Conspiracy?

In her video, Kangana made some bold and alarming claims. She alleged that during the farmers’ protests against the three farm laws, there were incidents of violence, including deaths and rapes. According to her, these protests were part of a larger plot orchestrated by “foreign powers” to create chaos in India, and she hinted that some people in the film industry were involved in this conspiracy.

Click here to continue reading.

By kkaur.0984

Bollywood Pollywood Lifez aims to bring Punjabi and Indian entertainment news and gossips from the world of Showbiz.

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